Weird, but Not Shocking: Donald Trump Says He Won't Go to the White House Correspondents Dinner - House of trending Gossip,Gist,Entertainment,Sex life, Lifestyle and health


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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Weird, but Not Shocking: Donald Trump Says He Won't Go to the White House Correspondents Dinner

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The last President who didn't attend was Ronald Reagan in 1981 — and that's because he'd just been shot.

The allure of the White House Correspondents Dinner is singular: the opportunity for the president to poke fun at members of the media and Hollywood while America takes a goodhearted laugh at the president in the name of fun. However, this year's event has been rough going, considering that Trump routinely lies about the press.
But this year will be markedly different: President Donald Trump will not be attending the 2017 White House Correspondents Dinner. The president tweeted his intentions early on Saturday evening:

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