Victor Moses nigeria forward man says he can't force himself to play for nigeria - House of trending Gossip,Gist,Entertainment,Sex life, Lifestyle and health

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Victor Moses nigeria forward man says he can't force himself to play for nigeria

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Chelsea star Victor Moses has dismissed suggestions he picks and chooses the games he plays for Nigeria, insisting he always wants to be fit before appearing for his country, AFP reports.
“Yes, everyone says that I select games. I have heard it myself,” he  said.
“But it is what it is. I never run away from challenges. I love to play football, why would I run away from playing football? That is what we are meant to do.

“But people keep saying that I choose games for Nigeria… But I need to clear the air now, that is not true.
“If I have got an injury, I have got an injury. Whenever I want to play for Nigeria, I must be 100 per cent, I want to give everything. But if I have got an injury, I don’t want to force myself because I am going to look stupid on the pitch.”

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