How to Train for a Marathon When You Just Want to Finish Alive - House of trending Gossip,Gist,Entertainment,Sex life, Lifestyle and health

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

How to Train for a Marathon When You Just Want to Finish Alive

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If you’re thinking about running your first ever marathon, here's your reality check: Training is really freaking hard. “My professional opinion is that training for a marathon can’t be done without committing,” says Elizabeth Corkum New York City-based certified running coach. That means there's no lazy-girl way over the finish line.

See, if your training plan doesn't gradually increase in mileage over the course of a few months or longer, you could face serious injuries like stress fractures, runner’s knee, and plantar fasciitis, Corkum says. Those injuries could sideline you on race day and are painful in everyday life.
That said, you can get away with doing the bare minimum — an 18-week training plan — if you can currently run for 30 minutes three times a week. Rather than track your mileage or pace, this plan uses your time spent running as the benchmark for each workout, no fancy running watches necessary.

The Plan

To kick it off, you’ll start running four times a week. It's a lot of running, but you need each one to mentally and physically prepare for those glorious 26.2 in your future, says Corkum. Each week you’ll do two shorter runs followed by one long run and a 30-minute recovery run, all at a pace that allows you to hold a conversation. You can (and should!) kick your feet up the other three days of the week, which should be reserved for rest. 

Pro Tips

  • Schedule your runs on nonconsecutive days. When you’re running long distances, it’s even more important for rest and recovery.
  • Foam roll on rest days. If you have a foam roller, rolling out your legs on your days off can help reduce stiffness and soreness, says Corkum. Reduce soreness by foam rolling your butt, quads, hamstrings, and calves. Or squeeze in some stretches like toe touches and quad stretches, the one where you stand and kick your heel to your butt and hold it, keeping the knee pointing down for 30 seconds before switching sides.
  • Use carbs to your advantage. When you start running, your body can easily access that fuel, which can keep you from getting tired too quickly. So, 24 hours before the longest runs of the week, start cutting back on the amount of fiber, protein, and fat you eat and ramp up your intake of simple carbs, like white rice, pancakes, pasta, bread, and pizza (YAS!). These carbs are broken down into glycogen that gets stored in your muscles. On the morning of your long run, top off those glycogen stores with a bagel, banana, toast, or oatmeal (or pasta—no judgement) about an hour before you head out.
  • Stay hydrated. Once you’re out the door, make sure you've got a water bottle with you or have access to a water fountain so you can take sips every 20 minutes or so, Corkum says.
  • On long runs, refuel along the way. If you’re running for more than 90 minutes, bring along some energy-boosting gummies or gels. Corkum likes GU, Powergel, Clif. These will send more sugar to your muscles and keep you from losing steam. Corkum recommends eating your first gel or chew 35 minutes into your long run.
  • Treat yo'self. Post run, grab a chocolate milk, Greek yogurt, or even a burger and fries to give your body the protein it needs to rebuild your muscles for your next run. You earned it!

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